The bathroom scene was looking unfinished, but I just changed it recently. I was feeling that the library was looking so much more complicated than the others and the bathrooms white walls were bothering me. I added stripes to make it feel more closed in and I think that helped. I am feeling unsure of the first illustration. It has a certain disjointedness to it. When I started I was not sure how I was tying everything together, but now that I have a better idea of who this family is and how color themes change from room to room I think that the girls bedroom is not defined enough. If the parents have hand in the designing of all the rooms then their children's bedrooms should feel more special. Maybe I am over thinking. Well, I will reassess when I have finished the other rooms, but so far so good.
(The New Yorker cover is just hanging on the wall because that is where it lives and I was feeling too lazy to take it down. I realize it looks a bit out of place.)