I have been working too much! Its true. I do have exciting news, but I do not want to share the full details until I sign something....hint. Anyway, I do not want to jinx myself as I often do or get my hopes up soo high that when they fall they fall hard and break a bone.
So, here are a few things I have had time to do:
1. make this amazing recipe (and then wrap it in a raw collard! amazing. Ps- we are cooking a lot from
Thrive and really love it.) Totally new way of cooking for me and I am blown away by some of the recipes and ways of dealing with veggies.

2. A few whale paintings...a few is an understatement, but really I can only scan these two small ones.
3. We finally hung some art on the walls in our new/temporary-for-a-year-apartment
4. I am going to see some amazing shows this year: Richard III (with Kevin Spacey at BAM), Tune Yards (I went to college with her and know her via musical friends...that's right I'm bragging), and Bjork (I cannot believe it, but basically I have the most amazing and generous friends).
5. For my birthday JJ threw me a surprise party, which was hosted by my
bff. She moved and is now walking distance, so I wanted to go hang out...so I went over in my jammies....sort of...I was wearing sweat pants. I do not wear such things out of the house, but I was walking over in the evening so I figured, no biggie, and JJ could not tell me not to because it would have given away the surprise...maybe. So, basically, I was surprised by all my friends and I was in jammies. Great. It really was. In fact, JJ got my shift the following day covered so I could stay out late. It was such an amazing birthday. I am now 30. My mother says that I now have credibility with being old or having any money! Yay.
6. The website I made a
logo for is up and running! Sadly, none of my insane link icons were used....but that's ok because now I can use them for other projects.
7. I have been listening to nonstop Daniel Pinkwater. I bought
The Neddiad audiobook, JJ bought me Chicago Days Hoboken Nights, The Hoboken Chicken Emergency, Borgel, Looking for Bobowicz, and I have been listening to the Pinkwater Podcast and digital archive which just makes me want more! It is not bad, but its hosted by someone other than Daniel Pinkwater and I do not want him to talk...and he does...he also plays music in between the excerpts from different stories. I just want the whole story. I do not understand why all his books are out of print and if he has done readings of all of them why I cannot get them on disk. I know they exist on tape, but that is not helpful!! Bah. Why do things go out of print if people are obsessed with them. If all of his books became available to buy in audio format I would. Really. I think I need to write him a letter....ok too much ranting.
I am working on a few projects in my brain, but they have not happened or even been started yet. At least one will involve kickstarter, another will be another book idea, and finally one will involve a celebrity chef....and maybe a bunch. If I can rope in one then maybe I can rope in a few more.
Off to maybe do illustration Friday and possibly not think about coffee.