Friday, July 16, 2010

Amazing purchase

Just call me Charrow the Impulsive. I have been considering getting a better scanner because alas the new one I bought is already banding. It is no ones fault. It was originally a 24 dollar scanner and it has been "fine," but not "amazing," until now. I need something that can handle being "amazing" for me and for JJ's photos. Illustrations can handle an "ok" scanner, but photos suffer. So with that being said last night, a little too late to make thoughtful decisions, I went on to Epson and bough a refurbished Epson Perfection v600 Photo scanner. Not only does it do regular scanning, but is a negative scanner. I know nothing about this, but maybe it will be helpful to JJ. I assume, and maybe wrongly, that with a negative scanner one can scan and digitally develop negative? Is this correct? I do not know, but anyway I hope it is worth it because I sent an "excellent" amount of money.
I would like to say that I bought an oversized scanner, but that price is a little too "excellent" for my blood currently. I am ready to spend good money on equipment, but 2500 dollars is a bit too rich for my blood.

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