Thursday, June 11, 2009

Smack the Snacks

Working on the art or is the art working on me? I feel like my time to get this off the ground is slipping. Or is it just the 6 month itch? Anyway, I opened and IRA (JJ did it for me) and now I am officially trapped in the loop. I guess I should open a college fund for my fictitious child.
I might just be feeling this way because I gave up cheese, corn, bread, and sugar recently so I am feeling like I have nothing to live for....except tastidlite of course.
No really, I have been having kidney pain and general feelings of alergyness and then the other night a friend made us dinner and my feet swelled and were red and hot. Yes, there was too much salt, wine consumption, cheese, and too much fried tortillas and I am still hurting (it was two days ago). I think that I am going to go get my physical and try to get a specialist referral...altho we know how this goes. They tell me there is nothing wrong with me and that I should get exercise, sleep more, drink water (i drink 3-5 32oz nalgene bottles a day), and eat healthy. I have given up for awhile, but I am back to feeling like I am in a constant state of minor anaphylaxis. Oy

Enough whining enjoy the art

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you've been feeling rough this week. I recommend tea with honey... Always makes my kidneys feel better. Also, I send good thoughts your way.