I was displeased with the way the last illustration turned out and so without much prompting I redid it a 4th time. I know it is not good form for an artists to show how many times they screw up especially because I am in the midst of trying to secure an agent and this does not instill confidence in my ability. But that being said here is the 4th edition and I really think it was worth the extra work.

In other news I have rejections! A couple of firms have graced me with some responses:
1. Thanks for sending your work. I think your style still needs to develop a bit. Please keep in touch with me as your work progresses.
Have a nice weekend!
2. I reviewed your illustration samples, however your work is not the right match for our agency. I am sure you will find a rep that has the kind of clients and direction that are compatible with your style of illustration. I recommend looking in The Workbook or The Directory of Illustration for reps that focus on illustration styles similar to your own.
I encourage you to contact other agencies for representation as well. Every agency has a set of preferences for style, content and direction. For any illustrator many agencies may need to be contacted to find the perfect match.
Thank you most sincerely for your compliments and interest in Magnet Reps.
3. hi charrow. i presented your work to kiki yesterday and told her to look at them soon, in private. she called me back today and told me (uncharacteristically) that she LOVED it. she just think your work is fabulous and would consider repping you if you were not just out of school. she thinks you have a great gift and you are dead on with whats happening now in illustration. she said you should get as many email addresses as possible and send 'epromos' out every week or so!
she was REALLY excited charrow, lindy.
SO there it is. I am going to post these as they come in.
Hurrah rejection!