Wednesday, November 12, 2008


In a constant state of waiting is tiresome. The closer we get to maybe moving the closer it gets to thanksgiving and the possibility of winter...if we have to move in the snow I will cry icicle tears.
IN the mean time I am doing freelance. One of my favorite (the only) magazines I do work for asked me to do a piece for them on sustainability. The idea is a lot of places use cups that are made from recycled materials and they can be recycled again to make compost, but if people throw them out they just become waste and their sustainability ends. I only got a summary because the article had not been written yet, but I think it will be a really good article. Here is the illustration I created for it:

I don't know if this is the final. I am waiting on some feedback b/c I have been too close to it for the past 24 hours.
I sent in a bid for another job that is about recycling. I cannot give details right now, but here is the sketch I sent for my bid (I will know if I get the job within two weeks).

For now that's what I got, but hopefully more will be coming in.

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