Studio week is under way and I am knee deep, so nothing new to show yet. But, this Friday night is the opening for the Octane staff art show. I am showing a whole bunch of old and new stuff and selling almost everything at reasonable prices. Based on what people in the past have tried to sell their art for I think I am underpricing....but really we all need art and so it should be affordable...dont worry if I sell anything I will still be making something. I also do not want to have to deal with moving this stuff when I move.
So for now that is all really. I will most likely post pictures of the event which is exciting because I do not post photographs.
In the mean time, Leonard Baskin is the name of the moment for me. I have been using his etchings for some of my design stuff so if you do not know him check his stuff out he is amazing.
Also check out
cool stuff, some 2 kewl if you know what I mean, but if you like diversity this site has it.