Saturday, April 17, 2010

Growing pains

I stole this image from my lovely girlfriend. Together we are undertaking the great indoor windowsill lettuce experiment of 2010. I am very excited to say that as obsessively as I try to watch plants grow this one actually HAS grown every time I go into the kitchen to check on it.
I am trying to focus on this small victory as I am currently slogging through multiple freelance assignments. They are all going well I am just trying to take in a lot of things at once and organize my thoughts for my next book. I want the next one to be simple. I had a great idea for a new book, but I am worried that it will be too complicated...or rather I would like to see if I can do one that is simple next just to show diversity. Its hard when all my ideas are weird. I had a pretty good conventional idea about a garden, but the question is how to keep it funny.
I do love all the work I have right now it feels like I am a full time artist or something.
In other news I received word from the big publisher who has had my book and was reviewing it for the second time. The ending still was not working so I am fixing it again, but so far no flat out rejection just suggested changes. I feel cautiously optimist. I am not sure what to think as she is acting like my editor, but has not said anything. It feels weird. I half expect to make all the changes and then get an email that says thanks, but, no thanks.

Well at least I'm trying. Very trying.

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